hey meg, i bein a real coz im doing this at school;)

Created by sydneybro 12 years ago
hey megan, well wha can i say ithad been a year ince you leftt the world. We all miss you icreadbly. I can just remember when the last time i sept at yours it was funn havin spicy chicken wings they were our faveourite. You are the brightest star in the sky and i miss yu like mad! I miss our laughs,and the fun we had together. I am now moving into year 8 nd your moving into year 9: we would havebeen ahving dinner togaher, i see al your mates and it doesn makeme happy seeing them but it does hurt that your not physically there lauging wuith the,but i bet yu ar. Well i am sat in cover with joanna,shes sound yo would have loved her shes a right laugh and she was there for me,And this mornin we foundout our new form and were ot in the same :( i literally nearly cried.!!! but we will live were best friends were never that far apart.. i really mis you,everyone does miss your beautiful smile,yes i have my moments,i love you with all my heart, sleep tight!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx